One of the most common and tricky situations that parents face when traveling with a toddler is dealing with their bathroom needs on a flight. You might wonder how to handle your toddler’s potty training, diaper changes, or accidents on a plane. But don’t worry, there are some things you can do to make this process easier and less stressful for both you and your toddler. Here are some tips on how to handle your toddler’s bathroom needs on a flight.

1. Plan ahead. Before you board the plane, make sure you pack enough diapers, wipes, plastic bags, and a change of clothes for your toddler. You can also bring a portable potty seat, a potty training book, or some stickers or rewards for your toddler if they are in the process of potty training. You can also check the location and availability of the bathrooms on the plane, and try to sit near one of them for easy access.

2. Time it right. Try to time your toddler’s bathroom visits according to their usual schedule and the flight duration. For example, if your toddler usually goes to the bathroom before or after meals, naptime, or playtime, try to follow the same routine on the plane. If your flight is short, you can try to avoid giving your toddler too much fluids or foods that can make them pee or poop more. If your flight is long, you can try to take your toddler to the bathroom every hour or so, or whenever they show signs of needing to go.

3. Be flexible and patient. Even if you plan ahead and time it right, there is no guarantee that your toddler will not have any bathroom issues on a flight. Sometimes, they might be scared, uncomfortable, or reluctant to use the plane’s bathroom. Or they might have an accident or a diaper blowout in their seat. In that case, try to stay calm and empathize with your toddler. Don’t yell at them or shame them for something they can’t control. Instead, try to comfort them with hugs, kisses, or soothing words. You can also ask the flight attendants for help or advice if they have any experience with toddlers.

4. Clean up and apologize. If your toddler has an accident or a diaper blowout on the plane, try to clean up as quickly and discreetly as possible. You can use the wipes, plastic bags, and change of clothes that you packed to wipe up the mess and change your toddler’s clothes. You can also use some sanitizer or deodorizer to eliminate any odor or germs. If the accident or blowout affects other passengers or their seats, try to apologize sincerely and offer them some compensation or assistance if possible. You can also inform the flight attendants and ask them for some cleaning supplies or assistance if needed.

5. Reward and praise. If your toddler uses the plane’s bathroom successfully or avoids any accidents or blowouts on the flight, make sure you reward and praise them for their good behavior. You can give them some stickers, candy, toys, or compliments that they like and appreciate. You can also tell them how proud you are of them and how well they did on the flight. This way, you can reinforce their positive behavior and make them more confident and motivated to use the bathroom on a plane.

Traveling with a toddler can be challenging, but it can also be fun and rewarding. You get to share new experiences with your child and create lasting memories. So don’t let the fear of handling your toddler’s bathroom needs stop you from flying with them. With some planning, preparation, and patience, you can handle your toddler’s bathroom needs on a flight and have a smooth and enjoyable trip.

Photo by: hennablossom

